Sunday 24 February 2008

Dolphins & Friends

Our next visit was to Monkey Mia to see the wild dolphins that turn up like clockwork every day.

This place is so surreal you have to pinch yourself to make sure your not dreaming. Firstly loads of dolphins come ashore each morning to get fed and you see them maybe a metre away so that in its self is awesome. Then throughout the day you are enjoying the sunshine and decide go for a dip to cool down. Next thing you know a few wild flippers decide to join you and have a swim. It’s completely unreal.

I think he may be looking at me?

Here our neighbours, funny bunch they are!

The kinglemons at sunset.

When we left the dolphins we then met up with some other beautiful people – The Graham Family!!

It was excellent meeting up with you guys in Oz; I still can’t believe it Lin. You and me together in Australia!! We had a fab couple of days it was so cool seeing you and meeting your friends. A traditional Oz BBQ, we could so get used to that. Thanks for the great company, missing you guys already. We will see you in 9 months time xxxx

Sunday 17 February 2008

Wow!!! Coral Bay

We hit the road at 9am this was our view.

2 hours later, umm looks the same!!!

After 6 hours we crossed this.

After 7 hours of the same, long, boring, straight road, seeing only a handful of cars we final arrived at Coral Bay, Wow!!

This place is absolutely stunning, the most beautiful place we have been so far. Check out the water! There is only one thing to do here and that is hit the beach!

This place is part of the Ningaloo Reef and the snorkelling is out of this world. You only have to take a few steps into the ocean to see an abundant of marine life. You can walk just around the bay to a nursery of white tip sharks, amazing. We had been toying with the idea to get our PADI license but as if anybody knows me I swim like Cowhead, which is badly! So I was a little apprehensive so we decided to book a discover scuba diving course to test the water.

It was a fabulous day we dived to 8.5 meters and I didn’t drown, I was so pleased. We got up close and personal with lots of beautiful fish and even some reef sharks, scary or what! However look at this. Is Mike trying out for a part in Star Trek, Ha! Ha!

Buzzer The Campervan

Danielle, Peter and me would like to take this opportunity to give you a guided tour of our new home called Buzzer. Cowhead I hope this is enough detail for you!

Buzzer is a Toyota Hiace Hitop and was born in 1998 to a very loving family. He has a 2.4 litre, 4 cylinder engine and runs like a dream. He sits on 185R tyres that are decorated in Platinum Silver trims. And his exterior is swan white with a lighting blue stripe. His is fully equipped with all the mod cons including air conditioning and a ledger battery.

As you can see his dashboard is an original design, with a matt charcoal grey finish. There is a radio/CD player to keep us entertained on our long drives. You will also notice the handy drinks holders in the middle, what more could you want.

Taking a step inside you can see buzzer is fully equipped with fridge, microwave and two gas burner hob with grill. Also a handy fold down table!

Here is Mike tucking into a bit of toast, fresh out of AFK toaster and a nice cup of coffee from our stainless steel whistle kettle!

Here is the stainless steel sink with electric pump to provide us with fresh water and storage cupboard.

Here is our luxurious seating area, upholstered in Versace where we can relax and watch movies on our 15 inch Acer laptop if we so wish.

This area then converts into a dining area with a large table that can easily accommodate four. However we do have a table and chairs for outside alfresco dining as well.

In the evening this transforms into a king size double bed. We also have a guest bedroom for two people upstairs. So if anybody wants to join us, you’re more than welcome, just no snoring!

Here is a night image of Buzzer with Danielle reading. Buzzer is family man and has not only plenty of storage but a big heart. We hope you can appreciate his beauty everybody should have a Buzzer in there lives.

Saturday 2 February 2008

We have arrived Down Under!

Hello, sorry about the delay in updating the blog but we have had difficulty finding internet out in the outback!! We arrived in beautiful Perth to find out the following day was Australia Day. After a mad panic to find a bed for the night we were able to soak up the atmosphere and participate in the festivities – including stick on tattoos! First things first we ordered a large glass of rose and pint of beer. In the evening we headed to the foreshore and watched with hundreds of thousands of locals a spectacular fireworks display, fabulous. By the way the weather since we have arrived has been over 40 degrees and they haven’t had rain for over three months. It is so, so, so hot we have never experienced heat like it!

The next couple of days we explored the city of Perth.

Here is Mike in beautiful Kings Park.

The hunt was on to find a home for the next six months. This came in a shape of a campervan!! We managed to purchase a lovely 1998 Toyota Hiace Hitop, complete with fridge, microwave and cooker. Cowhead you would love it, this info is all for you baby!! I know we have promised you a post just on the van but you will have to wait for our next blog to see our new home, bet you can’t wait. This is a taster you BONEHEAD!

However since we have got the van I am sorry to say Mike’s disorder has returned. It was a sad day but I knew it something was wrong when he got that look in his eye and reached for the dustpan and brush!! The dyson has been replaced and CLEAN, CLEAN, CLEAN is his new motto. His new OCD friend is the dustpan & brush and baby wipes! Seriously if we go to the beach and any sand gets in the van, it sends him into a frenzy. Check this out. ( Jen notice any family trait?)

We headed north and our first stop for Mike and I was to visit the eerie Pinnacles. Shelia I thought of you, it was a long drive but we got there in the end and it was well worth it.

Here I am next to a Pinnacle that Mike says it is not as quite as big as his!!! Ha Ha (Aimee can you find Peter?)

After an overnight rest it was then a long drive to the coastal town of Kalbarri. Honestly the roads over here go ON and ON and ON and ON! If you’re wondering yes I have been driving too. You can drive for hours without seeing another vehicle but as you can see the scenery says it all.

Every morning you can watch the Pelicans come for feeding.

Here is Kalbarri National Park and its gorges.

This is called Nature’s Window.

Well we will try and update the blog a little quicker next time. Looking forward to meeting the Graham family soon( and the digestives!) when the touch down on Oz soil.