Thursday 24 April 2008


We have decided to bypass Sydney and head straight for the 'Sunshine' state of Queensland as we will be spending a few weeks in Sydney before we leave as we have to say goodbye to 'Buzzer' - its going to be emotional!!!! However we did stay in Port Stephens just north of Sydney and has the most awesome sunsets and sand dunes.

Heading for the sunshine coast we believed it would be beach, beach, beach but for the first time in our trip( I know not bad eh!) we had a week of rain. So here is Mike is Brisbane but we are going to stop by on the way back down the coast and have another look around.

So rain, rain, rain we had a day tip to Lone Pine Sanctuary - amazing. We so loooooooove Kolas and Roos take a look!

Here is a sunset at Noosa, stunning place..... is a night out and look at the muscles on this bouncer ( you don't see him on the barbie)almost as big as my heeead, just had to get a pic, nice sweat patch!!!!

Saturday 19 April 2008

Melbourne Part 2 ...

Well we miss everybody so much and love reading all the comments but Mike does feel better as he found a replacement Cowhead!!!!

Here we are in a place called Stawell on a weekend away.

Can you guess what game we introduced to the Ozzy's??..

.....Ahha IBBILE DIBBLE is in OZ and they love it!!

Here is Mikey playing with the boys!!

We had such a fab time in Melbourne but sorry Toy we didn't find it to be a Kylie mecca!!! We are looking to head back here before we leave to see the Hobbit again and check out Ramsey Street, next stop Brisbane