Sunday 18 November 2007

Table Mountain

The sun is now shining and before we leave South Africa we have taken the opportunity to revisit Table Mountain and it was well worth it. The views from the 1086 meter high mountain are stunning.

It took just over 2 minutes to reach the summit!!

This is the view of Cape Town and in the distance Robben Island where Nelson Mandela was inprisoned which we visited during our stay.

This a view of Camps Bay where the rich and famous hang out!!

This is our last post from South Africa we have had a fantastic time and we would definitely love to come back ( maybe for the 2010 World Cup) Ange and Leeroy you will love it. We will catch up with you all from Asia.


Anonymous said...

I now feel like I have experience a bit of South Africa with you. It looks amazing there. Have a safe journey to your next destination. Stayed in on saturday, that was a first for me, it must be my age. Anyway you both look atfer each other.Love Sammy xx

Anonymous said...

You lucky pair !!! We are quite envious. Here we are in chilly England - yes it's getting pretty cold now but your photos do warm us up. What experiences you are having.
The photos are wonderful and really good quality - pity we can't enlarge te Table Mountain & Garden Route ones but they are still excellent.
Will probably hear from you next in the 'magical east' so you both take care - luv Dad & Sheila

Anonymous said...

Hello the Kings, it's Strodey. Lee Williams sent me the blog website, sounds like youre coming to the U.S for the final stage of your trip in November 08. If you need a place to stay youre more than welcome to crash at mine, we got more than enough room. I live a short train ride outside of the city. If you already have accomodation we should definitely meet up for a night out on the razz in New York. Let me know your plans closer to the date. I am getting married September 13th and then will be on Honeymoon in Bora Bora for 2 weeks but back before the end of September. Anyway, have a fantastic time, by the looks of the photos it seems as if you are. Best way to get a hold of me is at

Safe Travels


Justine said...

Hi Danielle and Mike
Love your blogspot and glad to see that you are having such a wonderful time - great photos! I guess you are in Singapore by now. Look forward to your next posting. Take care. Justine

Anonymous said...

Hey guys another message from us! Bet your bored with us already. Cape Town looks great defo wanna go - am sure Ry will be up for 2010world cup! Anyway hope you had a safe trip to your next destination. Speak soon losers xxx ps. Our offer has been accepted on the house and ours is now on the market - cool eh? Will keep you updated. xxxx

Pange & Willy said...

Mate you might be getting a phone call from the Argyle board over your availability 2 become the next manager after holloways resignation. They followed your record of the Plymouth Pilgrims manager and decided you were the man to take them to the next level. So you both may have to come home and me and Ange will take your place on the blog. xxx

Anonymous said...

Greetings Kings,

Well this is our second attempt at trying to post a comment as the first didnt save for some weird reason!!! Looks like your having a fantastic time, nice to see the sun is shining for you both, were both sat in our winter woolies looking at your photos!!!
Darren is in mourning as you probably know holloway has resigned (JUDAS)and im just counting down till xmas, 34 days you know!!!!
Loved the photos of the elephants and the story of coming face to face with the big nelly! Also the big cliff that you abseiled down look well impressive, Dan I cannot believe you did it, I bet your high pitch scream could be heard throughout africa!!!!
Hope you get this, we are thinking of you and trying to post our comments but were probably both a bit to simple!!!
Carry on living the dream, have fun

Lots of Love
Darren & Leanne xxxxx
ps Just about to sit down to watch England


Anonymous said...

hello legends, i'm impressed that you got through south africa with out getting mugged or indeed murdered!!! well done, have sent you a couple of e-mails and am waiting for your phone call, kingy mate i need a good session so get back and get on it with me and daz, i have not drank for 3weeks how good is that? still havent sold my car which is crap, so if anyone is reading this then its a range rover 4ltr petrol{s reg} with gas conversion and is superb all i want is 5100k a bargain, sorry guys but its cheaper to advertise here than the auto trader. love ya loads from cowhead in lovely work,

Anonymous said...

not sure i am doing this right

Anonymous said...

I have just spent ages writing a comment only to do it wrong!! Anyway WOW it looks amazing!! May have to follow in your foorsteps next year as you make it look so tempting!!
Them elephants look well scary. Just cooking a masterchef vindaloo to clear my stinking cold.
Miss you and keep posting the pics..they are great.
Love Carrie and Mark..(he is in newcastle dressed at Captain america!!) xxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hey Bro and Lemon!
It is I, your big sis! You have probably gathered from this blog that we now have the internet! Went back to BT in the end and it took 5 days! This, for the record is my third attempt at posting a damn blog so fingers crossed it'll actually work this time!
Mum said you were crying because u hadn't heard from me! How sweet! Makes me want to vom! SO hear i am. haven't gone antywhere.
Anyway news in a sentence: we should get the business by Thursday - it's gonna be called Drop Dead Gorgeous, Beverley has been voted off the x factor, Holloway has resigned from Argyle! shock horror - i'll lose many sleepless nights over that one - NOT! and Ali had a baby girl called Isabel 7lb 2 oz - lots of stitches, traumatic birth and a very sore mooey!!!Your pics look amazing - not jealous in the slightest - MUCH!
Missing you both loads
Nat, James and Popster xx

Anonymous said...

Hello Mike and Dan,
Long time no speak!
Hopefully there will be no mistakes in this message unlike your sister.
England lost 3-2 to Croatia, it was aweful, OUT of Euro.
Man Utd lost 1-0 against Bolton away, ha ha, get used to losing especially against West Ham on 28th Dec.
Beer sales are down to an all time low since your alcoholic husband left, sorry Mike hopefully other countries are benefiting.
Well i hope this finds you both well

P.S Did you know that Jeremy Beadle has a small cock? But on the other hand it's quite big!!!!!!