Saturday 8 December 2007

Mike's 28th Birthday

Thankyou for all my birthday messages and for the e cards I recieved. Cowhead you fool the reason I didn't get your card or money is we are still in Malaysia you muppet!! but I appreciate the thought. As you can see at breakfast I was greeted with an embarrising rendition of 'Happy Birthday' from everybody which included a lovely chocolate cake also check out my flower in my hair.Danielle made me wear the flower until lunchtime and insisted it was part of the birthday celebrations!!

Along with chilling on the beach I also took a jet ski for a spin, then Danielle surprized me with a romantic candlelit dinner on the beach. All in all I couldn't of asked for a better 28th. We are now in Penang and you will all be happy to know we have had a couple of days of rain!! We are heading to Bangkok on 10th December to check out the city and try and find somewhere to celebrate the festivities on the 25th. Danielle is really missing digestive biscuits by the way - she is so strange!!! as you probably guessed from the comments on the blog.


Anonymous said...

Hi lemon kings pics look great. Mike we are really digging the flower and it really sets off the ears.Tans look like they are getting there. Glad you had agreat B day what a place to spend it.As xmas fast approaching H&A are starting to wind up into that festive whirlwind. Aimee asks how is peter.Enjoy your journey to Bangkok.Watch out for those Ladyboys. LOL J,C,A,H xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi! Mike you really look great with the flower in your hair. It will be a birthday to be remembered for a long time. You both look so happy. The weather at home is really wet and the forcast for today is gales. Oh! well danielle i expect you are counting the days down to xmas day( hope it will be a good one for you). I expect you will be somewhere in really hot sunshine. Take care and lots of love Mum. Miss you both. xx

Anonymous said...

Howdy dudes - Mike's tan is looking good! Am sure Dan's is too. Me and the Cowhead are looking well pastey - need the sun but all we have is rain, rain and more rain! Xmas is so close now put decs up today! Can't believe you have been gone a month already -only 11 more to go eh? Went out for Nick's b-day on Friday we had a drink for Kingy - Nick drank it - A DOUBLE WHISKY! You would have loved it. Let us know when you will call as need to get the webcam sorted. Take care xxxxx Saw your bro out in fancy dress in the Bank the other night -he was looking good!

Anonymous said...

Morning people. The birthday cake looks lovley, im guessing my slice is still in the post. The picture of you both on the beach looks lovely, but what im interested in is the YAUCHT in the back ground. Reason being, if you have not already heard Ry wants to hire 1 for his and Ness's big day. Can you see how much it is for a day and how many passengers it could hold. Have a safe flight and keep safe. xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi guys looks like you're having a fab time. Glad you had a great birthday Mike, love the flower think you should wear one more often! Hope your journey to Bangkok goes well and am looking forward to seeing the pics. Am really jealous of all that sun you're getting, send some over our way can't you? Take care xx

Anonymous said...

Hey you guys!
Guess what!!??
James asked me to marry him today with a stunning platinum and diamond ring. I'm gutted ur not here to share my excitementos!
No wedding plans for a couple of years so you won't miss out on that - Lemon you are sooooooooooo bridesmaid!!!! Business is going well and i leave Plymouth Sound in 5 days on the 21st - happy days! Looks like my life is back on track.
Am so jealous of pics especially the beach scenes - its constantly pissing down here!
Love and miss you both very much - off to continue my online Xmas shopping!
Nat xxx

Anonymous said...

hello you doosh bags, cowhead here. just thought i would send a quick message to say HELLO, so hello, well done nat and james, james sort the stag do out as really thats whats important!!!!! love the ears in some of your pics kingy, sam in my work couldnt believe it was the same person as the pic of you and dan on your honeymoon!!!!!! later speak soon love ya loads bye bye

Anonymous said...

This is weird. i opened the blog this morning and i saw some of your thailand pictures and to prove im not joking i saw mike cycling dan around on a bike, mike in front of a large gold palace and dan with a sexy sarong on. she was saying that is does not feel like christmas was only 11 days away. Or did i just dream this. Lets wait and see. Ps congratulations Nat, but did you not want to marry a real man.xxxxxx