Thursday 3 January 2008

Welcoming 2008

The evening started with a lovely meal

Headed for our local haunt to continue with a few beverages with friends

Here is our local DJ Pok Pok - quality tunes

Sparkler's & shots nice!!

At midnight we lit lanterns and watched them float off above the ocean along with the fireworks - very awesome!!

Check out the helpful crazy guy in the shades and hat - love it!!

After a wicked New Year we have decided to stay in Thailand until the end of January, we are going to move to another island tomorrow , Koh Jam(smaller than Lanta, the electric is run by generator- should be fun!) I'm sure you all had a great New Year and wishing you all a wonderful 2008 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Nearly forgot a massive CONGRATULATIONS to Cowhead & Ness, really pleased for you both on your engagement. (Ness you have the patience of a saint)Mike can't wait to be best man and the speeches Ha! Ha! wish we could pop home and have a celebratory drink with you guys but we had a few toasts to you on New Year, that will have to do until November!!


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to both of you. Hope 2008 will bring you a lot of luck & happiness. Today is very grey and bitterly cold, some places snow. You both look really well and as for the sun tans. Look forward to more pics later. Keep enjoying yourselves. Love you loads.
Love Mum xxxx

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to the both of you.

I am sat in work looking at your stunning pictures under the warm hot sun, with sun kissed skin and happy smiles! I have three layers of clothing on, whiter than snow skin and wind chapped lips..... God I wish i could magic myself to be where you are.

Your christmas and new year looked and sounded excellent, so nice to keep reading the updates and seeing how much fun you two are having!

Great news about Ness and Ry wasnt it, her ring is gorgeous! There were a few tears on christmas day when it was announced! knew Ry would take the Penprase challenge in the end!

Take care both of you, me and daz are hoping to do a live link up with you guys and the woodruffs at sometime!

Lots of love and best wishes

Leanne and Darren xx

Anonymous said...

Happy new year.

It was great to see you on xmas day.Loved the xmas tree. looks like you are having a top time. Is that guy for real with the sun glasses how cool!! liked the lanterns you two are just living the dream. While i crack on with the ironing(I LOVE IT).

Congratulations to Rhy and Ness.

The lemons xxxx

Anonymous said...

yet again you have depressed me. Seeing all those cracking photos just makes us think what are we doing here still. So whilst we were celebrating New Year you were celebating Bonfire night, top sparklers.
Oh my god you would never guess whats just flown by my office, its your Lantern, amazing.
Anyway keep enjoying yourselves love us.x x x

mrlee71 said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR MIKE & DAN all the best for 2008.ive been keeping an eye on your blog and i wish i was there to,its great to see your having such a great time.Thailand rocks hey. p.s Vincenzo is fine mike & dan the sales arent very good so your not missing much,auf wiedersen dudes!x

mrlee71 said...

hi mike and dan you'll have to let me know when a good time to skype you would be?

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Happy New Year, How brown are you both looking. Both look fab, your friends look like a really nice couple and you can see they are making it extra special for you.Photo's are great and the lanterns are brill memory for you both. As Leanne said, it is so cold here, hats gloves and scarf's at the ready. I've still not gone back to work yet, come on. Got James xmas work do on Saturday so im refusing to think about work til Monday. Girls went back to school today so I took my dec's down and the room does have a carpet.Enjoy your next adventure. Love Sammy, Jammy and the girls xxx

Anonymous said...

Happy new year guys. Wishing you a fab 2008. Loved your pics, the lanterns are such a cool idea. Think I found you both on skype. U should hopefully have a request from us when you log in next?? So maybe we could have a chat sometime and I can see if you are really as brown as you look in the pics!! Have fun xxx

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Dan and Mike! We are so jealous of the weather you are having. We are off the the sales in Oxford Street on Monday with Leon and Sharon, its gonna be freezing! We had a good New Year down the Grecian Taverna, got home at 2.30am, not too late! It seems like you have been gone for ages, but its only been a few months.Take Care and have fun... Nick, Lisa & Isabella xxx

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Bro!
While you monkeys are having the time of your lives, we however are not! James has just snapped the key off in the ignition of the car at the warner village in the freezing cold! My feet are like 2 large smeg fridges and hands are ice bats! Loving this fine weather so much!!!Just had to get a cab back to the house - all part of the fun!
We had a quiet night in on New Years Eve as we had Pops but it was great watching Jools Holland on piano - NOT! while ur on a frigging beach with pretty lanterns. Can you hear the jealousy in my voice or see my green eyes from there???
I started in the shop on Wednesday and its ace. Lisa I popped in with Isabella to say hi and James and I met one of our regular customers - a tranny!!(ex Army, turned trainee solicitor called Mark AKA Claire Louise in his spare time! He bought in his photo album and everything - James was slightly uncomfortable talking to an ex soldier about his bust size!)
Any ways, got to go and figure out what we are going to do about a car!
Love ya both - tell Dan ill be having 3 sunbeds a week for the next year to keep up!
Nat xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Son and Daughter-in-law, wondered why the Skype has been so quiet, what a great time your're having. It looked perfect for the New Year, what lovely memories for you both. Your friends look really nice, you won't want to move on! Is good that you are seeing a little bit more of Thailand, looks beautiful. Just making all my beds, just had a full house again, very cold. Nat, James and Poppy coming over for dinner, big leg of lamb and mint sauce (sorry Danielle!) Shelby still standing (just) Carole is 50 on 9th January, surprise party organised!

Love you lots Mum and Dadxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year dudes! (Apologies for the delay but been a bit hectic!) New Year looked great - Looe was good fun again but don't think it quite matched up to your destination somehow! Plus all had hangovers from hell the next day - could have done with sweating it off on a beach! Me and the fiance(!!)are now on diets after all the festivities and are also thinking of doing the half marathon again! Did Ry tell you Darren Waugh also got engaged on Xmas Day! There is defintely something in the air! Still havent got my ring back (was 5 sizes too big!) so its still not feeling real yet! Webcam still not sorted so really need to sort that soon so Dan can see the ring and Kingy can see the cowhead as they are probably both having withdrawl symptoms by now!! We have sold our house but the house we wanted has fallen through so we are back to square one! Anyway enough about us - hope you are good and enjoying the beach bum lifestyle - reckon you may find it hard leaving Thailand and going to big cities again as bet you are so chilled out and relaxed now! Ry says we are gonna have a year travelling as our honeymoon!!! So we could end up running that beach bar together! Going to see the Spice Girls tomorrow night Dan - Cool! Ry has gone to another Motor Home show! Catch ya dudes, Take Care and Speak soon - Miss ya xxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys
Hope you are still having fun. We have got Mark and Carrie over for dinner tonight. We we were thinking of you whilst eating our Thai green curry!Keep updating your blog! We all had fun in London, I got Isabella a bib from Dirty Dancing saying 'no-one puts baby in the corner', how cute!! Take Care Nick, Lisa & Isabella xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi guys

Hope you are looking after each other and enjoying yourselves. Weather here is really crap so am on countdown now (26 days)!!!!!! Will try and make arrangements to meet up and let you know where we are staying, but obviously depends on where you will be. Gave Mel Richards your blog address etc, so hopefully you will hear from her shortly. Take care and will be in touch.

Lots of love from Lindsay, Ian and Aaron xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx