Sunday 17 February 2008

Wow!!! Coral Bay

We hit the road at 9am this was our view.

2 hours later, umm looks the same!!!

After 6 hours we crossed this.

After 7 hours of the same, long, boring, straight road, seeing only a handful of cars we final arrived at Coral Bay, Wow!!

This place is absolutely stunning, the most beautiful place we have been so far. Check out the water! There is only one thing to do here and that is hit the beach!

This place is part of the Ningaloo Reef and the snorkelling is out of this world. You only have to take a few steps into the ocean to see an abundant of marine life. You can walk just around the bay to a nursery of white tip sharks, amazing. We had been toying with the idea to get our PADI license but as if anybody knows me I swim like Cowhead, which is badly! So I was a little apprehensive so we decided to book a discover scuba diving course to test the water.

It was a fabulous day we dived to 8.5 meters and I didn’t drown, I was so pleased. We got up close and personal with lots of beautiful fish and even some reef sharks, scary or what! However look at this. Is Mike trying out for a part in Star Trek, Ha! Ha!


Anonymous said...

Hi! Danielle & Mike
Coral Bay looks absolutley beautiful, you are so lucky. You both look really well. Hope you got sadie e-mail as she tried to speak to you yesterday as you were on line but as it connected it went offline. Never mind next time she is with me she can try again. Hope to speak to you again when you can on skype and see you.
Take care of yourselves and have a smashing time. Lots of love Mum xxx
Oh! by the way there is a programme on t.v. tonight about Tropic of Cancer.

Anonymous said...

Hola you two - Ry is lovin the buzzer! UP THE SPURS
Champi-o-onees !!!! 2 - 1 a bit of footy info for Kingy incase he is having withdrawl symptoms. By the way its a LEISURE battery not ledger you thick gits! Good to speak yesterday - Ry says sorry he couldnt talk for longer but he had to SELL, SELL, SELL! You know how it is! Coral Bay looks fab - the open road looks a bit scary don't pick up any hitch hikers! Ry wants to join you but there's no way he will leave his precious Marquis! Catch ya later losers xxxxx ps loving the tropic of gemini!

Anonymous said...

Greeting friends. You have hit the jack pot with this stop looks stunning. Me and Ange spent the weekend at Bovey Castle, thought i would treat her with a late Valintines present, would definatley recommend it for a few nights, 100% relaxation. Congratulations to Spurs on winning the Mikey mouse cup and breaking there 9 year wait. One word of advise if you are considering doing the PADI course whilst in OZ ask about the M.U.R.P.H.E.Y course works out alot cheaper. Keep living the dream. love Leeroy And Ange. XXXX

leeozz said...

G'day mike & dan sorry its been a while,im finally back on line i,ve had some computer problems believe it or not,i know not lie me at all.this travelling obviously suits you as you both look really healthy and very happy,so im guessing its highly recommended.Buzzer looks the buisiness you cant go far wrong with a toyota in Oz so ive been told by a mate who's out there now just coming up to 2 years in you have both taken up diving i hope this doesn't mean you will be doing me out of work when you get says hi and some other colourful language as you can imagine,and he moved out of my place last weekend and into a bedsit off of mutley.laters

Anonymous said...

Hi you two
What a beautiful place. The road must have seemed so long. The sea looks amazing. We have just come back from Bournemouth, as was our 2nd anniversary yesterday!!! can't believe its 2 years already. We had a great time, left Isabella with my mum and Nicks mum,we got there at 12.30pm and started on the wine at 3.00pm! Take Care Nick, Lisa and Isabella xxx

Anonymous said...

hello you pair of pikeys, i really do love the van, i would love to be driving that big and long open road, sounds class, love it!!!!
you both will be better divers than oz, well easy, keep up the good work whilst having the time of your lives, nice one take it easy take care speak soon
love cowhead