Thursday 15 May 2008

Whitsunday Magic!!! - Wow

We decided to book a 3 day sailing trip on board the beautiful tall ship the Whitsunday Magic. It was one the best weekends we have ever had, we had amazing food cooked by a real chef, slightly different to what we can russel up in the camper!!!! but also fantastic company. We met loads of great people of all ages from a vegetarian butcher, to 3 old lady's properly backpacking - your never too old. There were South Africans, Kiwis, Ozzy's, Irish, Canadian and of course us Poms. We have kept in touch with some of them and are hoping to catch up again on our travels.

Relaxing on deck!!

Whitehaven Beach -Wow!!

The attractive Stinger suits or as we say Stinker suits!!
The picture postcard lookouts.
The evenings were filled by awesome food, alcohol & the best sunsets ever!!

Check us out sailing the ship!!!

Sorry we have bored you with the photos we could have put so many more anybody coming to Oz you MUST sail the Whitsundays, you beauty's!!!


Anonymous said...

hi guys it looks amazing love it good speaking the other day and look forward to your skype tonight 18th may. the boat looks brilliant and so does all the pics you lucky lucky people........ miss ya both loads and look forward to seeing you both soon-ish. love from cowhead

Anonymous said...

Morning people. We are very jealous. Whitsunday was one of the best weekends of the whole trip for us as well but we went on Wings, but your right the cooking was stunning and you make some amazing friends. Did you see George? A famous fish they every1 knows. Dan i always thought you were stronger than the wimp, there is no way he could hold a boat in 1 hand, you might get a part in the new Gladiators when you return,(if you return). Anyway some of us have to work. Take care and keep making some amazing friends. Love Leeroy and Ange. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys

Glad to hear you having such fun. The photos look amazing. We are so jealous. The weather looks fab, unlike our weather here. Going onhols in less than 2 weeks can't wait! Speak soon ,keep in touch love Nick, Lisa and Isabella xxx

Anonymous said...

I have registered you both with right move'oz and also with total jobs'oz. Hope this helps you. If you have any luck let me know and we might just follow you out. Leeroy. xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi guys - looks great. Better than than the weather we had on our hols! But then again weather here is still like winter so glad we went away. Majorca aint quite Australia though is it??? It was the half marathon at the weekend Dan - brings back memories - ha ha!! Off to Ross and Kim's wedding at the weekend so more time off for Ry! Enjoy dudes - take care. Hope you enjoy Sydney. Love Me xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi to the both of you!

Photos look lovely, Dan every time im in work and want to eat some chocolate, I keep bringing up photos of you in your bikini to stop me! You are my diet guru, though I wait till im away from my PC and then eat it!

Me and Darren went camping last weekend, we have invested in the gear now. Weve got the table with chairs, the cookers, the plates, the cutlery and our own Uno cards! We loved it, the camping season is back on and Wallace the amazing camping dog is loving it!!!!!!

Darren is best man this weekend at Ross and Kims wedding, he is feeling nervous that no one will laugh at him but he will be fine and his speech is good! We have practiced and practiced and practiced it!

We have been told another 7 - 15 working days before we have internet at home and then we will arrange a skype!

Take care both of you.

Love Leanne & Darren xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

hi guys. we have finally got our laptop back, so we can now check out what you have been up are amazing - you both look so well - and tanned - in fact you are browner than Leon - he is devastated. I'm sure he'll insist on going on hols end of October next year just so that you don't show him up in the tanning stakes when you return. Anyway missin you loads, it was great to speak to you last week - carry on having the amazing time that you are - we will check in again soon. love Leon, Sharon, Ella and Andreas xxxxx