Tuesday 1 July 2008

Gold Coast

Sorry it's been so long everyone but after saying goodbye to Buzzer we hopped over to Bali and the internet isn't great there!!! But here is wonderful Surfers Paradise.

Here is Mike & Pat with their surfboards!!

Ahhhh nothing better then watching the sunset and having a BBQ

Here is my husband & I on a night out with Pat & Michelle in Byron Bay - what an awesome place.


Anonymous said...

thought i would be the first to leave a message.
good speaking to ya both.
quality pics again
jen and al keeping up the future son thing, its defo me and not lee as he will eat you out of house and home!!!!!!!!
keep up the good work you two love ya both from cowhead

Anonymous said...

At last. Firstly, Jen and Al, to save any arguments you can adopt both of us, we can become twins, ry is obviously the Danny Davito one(excuse spelling). Dan, love the scarf, mike hasn't been giving you those love bits again. Also you dont look very Brunette in these pics. Do you relise in 2 days it has been 8 months you have been away, time flies. We are off to Eastbourne end of the month so if you fancy it Mike just let us know, otherwise Darren King can have all your drinks. Hope you enjoyed bali. Love Leeroy and Ange.xxxx

Anonymous said...

Well newly adopted sons, Allen and I have carefully considered the options, from past experience we know Cowhead eats a lot, but we like Leeroy's brilliant sense of humour (need one to live with Allen!) so we will officially adopt both of you. Michael used to like being tucked in at night but he also was a whizz with the hoover! Don't fight lads on who is doing what. At least we won't have to pay for any forthcoming weddings, that's not part of the deal. Can you housesit the dogs when we go on holiday?

Michael you are looking quite toned up, Australia obviously agrees with you or is it the lack of food?! Danielle, you look great too, would like to see more of Byron Bay.

Speak to you again soon, love you lots xxxxxx

Goodnight adopted sonsxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi you two. at last i have the technology to leave comments!

You both look like you are having the time of your lives. Surfers Paradise looks amazing. Stoked Mike catch some tubes for me in the Blue room Maan.(just a little bit of surf speak 4u).
Dan you lookin good little sis. But mike yeah you look Buff.

From Big Bro on the Mighty Albion

Anonymous said...

Hi Dan & Mike
Haven't looked at your blog for age sorry!! Your pics look fab, you must be having a great time. Nick & Leon had a day off together yesterday, so we took the three kids to Jump, they loved it and so did Nick and Leon! Take Care Nick, Lisa & Isabella xxx

Anonymous said...

hi guys, finally got around to checking your blogspot out again!!!!I had already typed a message and then andreas cut the power on the laptop so i have to do it again. As usual it's been mad here.Leon has been doing up a flat and now that's almost finished he s got bored and put the house on the market! ha ha - you know how we love to move.....who knows where we will be when you come back??!!
By the way, there may be another little Isaias on the way....will update you soon.
tried to send you some photos recently but it said'error on sending' so we gave up - you know what techo whizzes we are!
by the way,can you text us your new mob number?Thanks.
Take Care, lots of love the isaias's xxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hey there dudes out in Oz - it is moi from good ole Blighty! Good to speak to you the other day even if it was for 3 long hours! and I got you in trouble. Ooops! It was definitely your loud gob Dan not mine! Am dog sitting Wallace this weekend so have pc access again! Hope you are both still good and not sick of the fantastic weather. Watched Mamma Mia Dan - it was fantastic you would love it everyone was singing, dancing and clapping at the end! You asked what was No. 1 and it is Dizzie Rascal - Dance with me. Also TV goss - Max from Hollyoaks is dead! Gotta go now losers - Catch ya later xxxxx
Lotsa Luv Me (and the Cowhead - who is away working at a Motorhome show!)

Anonymous said...

Forgot to say - photos look AWESOME. It must be such an AWESOME place and you two are looking AWESOME. Sending all my love and AWESOME wishes.

Anonymous said...

hola you 2, update the blog, bet you get bored doing it now but tough, get on with it!!!!
jen i'll be the one to get tucked in and leroy can do the hoovering....
how are u 2?????? need to have a chat soon on phone, me and ness are out for ameal tonight so should be good gonna have a couple bottles of wine.
house is coming along nicely, 5 weeks and we will move in just in time for pair of losers!!!
take care must go go as surprise i'm in work again and again.
love cowhead and ness whoos at home chilling. x x x

Anonymous said...

i would like to meet this cowhead he seems very camp, drinking is wine. my type of boy. Maybe we could me at Zero's.