Tuesday 27 November 2007

Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur what a city we have had fun - not. On day one we decided to go into the city centre to the Petrona Towers but for some reason Taxis we not allowed there. We just assumed there was some kind of event. We got a tram and then had to divert to a bus. We where the only white people, the bus was full of Indian's. It then stopped as the Police would not let the bus in because of the Indians.(Umm Mike reassured me it was fine)

Mike said we could walk. As we started to walk there were hundreds I mean hundreds of hundreds of Indians looking menacing and unhappy. I told Mike that something was not right , he insisted it was a festival!!! 'OK' I said as we walked further along it got worse and worse like a rally. It was only when one kind Indian told us to stop as there was Police with TEAR GAS and WATER CANNONS!!! Ohh yes we where in the middle of a massive protest about Indian rights and blaming the English- funny was it, NO. As you can imagine a few choice word were exchanged by myself. Luckily we took refuge in a very nice hotel and watched the antics for a few hours until the crowds dispersed. A F***ing festival!!! seriously!!!

But don't worry everyone we are fine and even manged to meet some lovely people who lived in Holland. We even had a lovely birds eye view of the fiasco from VIP lounge, as they were on their honeymoon. After a few hours once it had all died down we spent the afternoon with our new friends and had a lovely evening eating drinking and having a laugh. Here are a few pictures of the Petronas. We are now heading for Langkawi and hoping we can just chill on the beach.


Anonymous said...

Looking good fun so far. Don't let Danielle spend all the money. Long way to go yet. I aggree with Danielle - 'A Festival!!!!'

Anonymous said...

Just looked at the blog again and see your comments on Kula Lumpar. Scarry, hope Mike takes good care of you and glad to hear you made yet again some new friends. When you go to Thailand, my student tells me it will be very hot around 30C. So bet you are looking forward to that weather. Lots of love mum xxx

Anonymous said...

Us again guys - All we can say is Kingy you are one big eared loser! 'A festival'!!!!!!! And Dan I bet you thought it was 'the end' again! ha ha - am laughing just thinking of you two as the only white people sticking out like sore thumbs with loads of turbans around you - ha ha could only happen to you! Anyway glad you are gonna chill for a bit after that experience! Anyway gotta go I'm a celeb is on a bit. Speak soon dudes xxx
ps Had a offer on our house today £10k below the asking price though! Get a life eh???

Anonymous said...

A festival. whatever mingers. Hi Dan im off to see Kanya in a minute. I ain't saying she's a gold digger!!!! your adventure's just seem to get better and better. What an amazing building.

Missing you lot's, I'll have a xmas drink for you every saturday now up and beonged xmas. Come on, funny is it.
Love ya lots, now pass me a bucket.

Sammy xxx

Anonymous said...

Kingy a festival come on!!!!Looks like you 2 are having fun looks awesome!!! And just to prove you wrong kingy i can leave messages on your blog just been meaga busy at work ;-) Did you chicken out of swimming with great whites? Anyway look after yourselves, keep safe and dont take dan to anymore festivals.....
Love wes & caroline x

Anonymous said...

Hi Dan & Mike

I'm round at Sam's checking out your blog, can I just say AMAZING!!! Seriously you look like your having the time of your lives.

Please load my email so I can travel the rest of the world with with you.

Take care & keep having fun (Just watch out for those Festival's)!!!
Love Emma P


Anonymous said...

Hi Guys, your travels look and sound amazing, i loved the photos of table mountain, what a great experince. the festival story was so funny what ya like! well sammy did us a fantastic meal last nite and ive just had an egg and bacon muffin for brekkie, i shall come here more often... have a fantstic xmas guys in thailand speciality rat. enjoy that instead of turkey on the day haha. jc and chels xx