Saturday 24 November 2007


Wow what a place, this is the most cleanest & safest place we have ever visited. Its so up to date in every way and has gadgets and machines for everything- which Mike is loving, typical man! It is so hot & humid we have been walking round looking like sweaty heaps - nice. We thought it couldn't get any worse untill the sun came out ohh my god it is boiling!!!

We have visted the famous and exclusive Raffles hotel - if only our budget stretched that far!!

Its been really weird being in this climate and going into the shopping malls (more on that in a minute) and seeing all the Chritsmas decks and hearing Mariah's 'All I want for Christmas'. At nightime the city is amazing it takes on a whole different feeling the skyline is so impressive. Orchard Road is lined with Christmas lights and wonderful window displays, amazing we had a bus tour at night just to see them all!! As for shopping ohhh my god seriously if anybody wants a blow out come here and shop. The city has more malls than we can count and they are all massive with a minimum 8 floors - Mike recommends any men to not bring there lady's here unless they want to be broke!!

We also took a visit to Singapore Zoo (more like a huge jungle) and followed this up with a night safari where all the nocturnal animals come out to play. It was brillant and I got up close and personal with some adorable orang-utans!!!!


Pange & Willy said...

Hello Lemon and zoomhead. cant believe you have been gone for 1,900,800 seconds already. well what is happening at home, not a lot to be honest, except Paul Sturrock returning as the Argyle manager.(im guessing Mike declined the offer). You are making us all very jelous home here and even though me and Ange have only been back 5 months i think the more you keep updating the blog the more you are making us want to go again. Singapore is 1 place we did not visit and had wished we had and with those pictures and comments i think 1 day we will definately visit. Well atleast we only have 4 WEEKS till we can look forward to having 1 week off. Take care and keep safe. love Us.

Anonymous said...

Hi! to both of you. It looks really fabulous, so pleased you are both having a great time. Weather here is damp and miserable, so you are in the best place. I expect Xmas is going to be really exciting for you in Thailand. Take care and hope to hear from you soon.
Lots of love mum xxx

Anonymous said...

Hola you two - Singapore sounds cool. Would love the malls - bet Mike had to control your purse strings Dan!! You are doin well - keeping the blog updated and keeping in touch - make sure you keep it up losers. Lots of Love xxxxx
ps love Kingy's hairy mates!!

Anonymous said...

Hello travellers. It looks absolutely amazing over there. But you can't beat british weather(yeh rite). Enjoy.
xx the lemons.